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Facebook Algorithm Changes 2018


Content Prioritization Based On Interaction.

Facebook is going to begin to prioritize content that gets more engagement. The days of pumping out content just to make content are about to end. Your posts are going to be dropped if they do not have a lot of people commenting, liking, sharing, etc.

The News Feed will now rank content that is being shared and talked about among people and their communities. So that means you are going to have to make content that captures people’s attention for your Brand’s Marketing.

Organic Reach Will Drop.

Organic reach is going to drop for Facebook pages even more now that posts are going to be rated on interaction. The hope is that this will get people more involved with the content that is being shown to them.

Organic reach for Facebook has been on the decline for many years now. You can read about Facebook’s Organic Reach here.

What Content Will Be Seen?

Posts that create interactions and increase engagement will be prioritized over content that is not engaging people. You will see more content from your family and friends. An example would be a family member asking for a recommendation of a local restaurant. Video content that sparks comments and shares will be seen over other videos that are not increasing engagement. News articles and educational posts that also have more likes, comments, and shares will be pushed above other news content that does not have much public interaction.

One of our big focus areas for 2018 is making sure the time we all spend on Facebook is time well spent.We built…

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, January 11, 2018

News Feed FYI: Bringing People Closer Together

Posted by Facebook on Thursday, January 11, 2018

Facebook Launches Stories



Facebook is creating a second newsfeed for mobile users. These Photo and Text updates will have more visuals like for instance short video snippets, or photo carousels that are much more visually appealing.

Direct messages is getting a new inbox. It is very similar to some Snapchat Features.